9(F) STUDENT VISA - for visitors 18 years old and above who intend to study bachelor’s degree or higher at a university, seminary, academy, college or school.
9(f) 学生签证 – 打算在菲律宾大学、神学院、研究院、学院或学校本科学位或更高学历课程学习的访客
The applicant must be a student 18 years of age at the time of enrollment, has sufficient means for his education and support, and seeks to enter the Philippines temporarily solely for the purpose of taking up a course of study higher than high school at a university, academy, college or school in the Philippines accredited by the Bureau of Immigration (BI).
Prior approval from the Department of Foreign Affairs is required prior to issuance of a visa under this category.
Procedures and Requirements in the Issuance of a Student Visa
Step 1 – Foreign student who is at least 18 years of age at the time of enrollment communicates directly with his choice of any Philippine Higher Education Institution (HEI) authorized to admit foreign students and complies with the school’s institutional requirements.
Step 2 – The HEI, satisfied with the student’s compliance with its requirements, issues a Notice of Acceptance (NOA) to the student. The HEI’s designated Liaison Officer submits the following requirements in two sets (one original and one photocopy) to the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA):
- Letter of Endorsement from the college/university registrar requesting issuance of student visa to the applicant, and addressed to: The Director, Visa Division, Office of Consular Affairs, Department of Foreign Affairs
- Notice of Acceptance (NOA) from the college or university addressed to the student, containing a clear impression of the college/university’s official dry seal
- Five (5) original copies of the 1998 revised Personal History Statement (PHS), duly accomplished and signed by the student in English and in their national alphabet, accompanied by personal seal, if any, and with original left and right thumb prints, signature and photo
- Transcript of Records containing Apostille Certificate in the student’s country of origin or legal residence
- Notarized Affidavit of Support with proof of adequate financial support stating the means to cover expenses, duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate in the student’s country of origin or legal residence; For scholars: Certificate of Scholarship from the Institution concerned
- Photocopy of passport data page (page containing student’s full name, date and place of birth, passport number and photo)
- For students accepted in Dentistry or Medicine programs: Certified true copy of Certificate of Eligibility for Admission (CEA) from the Commission on Higher Education
Step 3 – The DFA endorses the documents to the Philippine Consulate General (or embassy as the case may be) located in the student’s country of origin or residence for the issuance of the student visa. Request for issuance of the student Visa in places other than the student’s country of origin shall not be entertained.
Step 4 – The Philippine Consulate General notifies the student of the receipt of the documents and requests him to appear in person before a consular officer for interview and compliance with consular requirements. In addition to the documents transmitted to the Post by the DFA, students must submit the following requirements to the Philippine Consulate in triplicate:
- Original and photocopy of passport valid for at least six (6) months beyond authorized period of stay in the Philippines
- Duly accomplished non-immigrant visa application FA Form No. 2 with 3.3cm x 4.8 cm photo (in white background) of the applicant in decent attire taken within the last six (6) months. Photo must be pasted in the designated box in the application form
Paper application form (F.A. Form No. 2 for Chinese nationals): https://guangzhoupcg.dfa.gov.ph/images/2019/forms/VISA_APPLICATION_FOR_CHINESE_NATIONALS.pdf
Paper application form (F.A. From No. 2 for Other nationals): https://guangzhoupcg.dfa.gov.ph/images/2016/Forms/VAFF.pdf
- Certified true copy of Personal History Statement
- Certified true copy of Notice of Acceptance (NOA) and Certified true copy of Certificate of Eligibility for Admission (CEA) where necessary (to be duly noted by Consular Officer)
- Original and copy of Medical Certification (DFA Form No. 11) duly accomplished by any physician whose signature must be notarized by a notary public. Must be submitted together with a standard-size chest x-ray film and laboratory reports. Medical report must be valid for at least six (6) months prior to date of filing of application. This document must undergo authentication by relevant Foreign Affairs Office (FAO), then for authentication by the Philippine Consulate General. Additional charges will apply)
- Original and copy of Police Clearance Certificate issued by competent Chinese authorities and duly notarized by a notary public. The visa application must be filed within six (6) months from the date the Police Clearance Certificate is obtained. This document must undergo authentication by relevant FAO, then for authentication by the Philippine Consulate General. Additional charges will apply)
- Payment of Visa Fee, according to the schedule of fee (non-refundable), payable in cash
Step 5 – Upon arrival in the Philippines, the student shall report immediately to the accepting HEI which shall assist him to obtain the Alien Certificate of Registration (ACR) and Certificate of Residence for Temporary Students (CRTS) from the Bureau of Immigration (BI).
Step 6 – The DFA notifies the HEI, copy furnished CHED, BI, NICA and NBI, of the issuance of a student visa to the student as soon as it receives a report to this effect from the issuing post.