9(C) Seaman and crew members Visa – for crew members of a vessel arriving at a port of the Philippines from any country

9(C) 海员和船员签证——适用于从任何国家抵达菲律宾港口的船只上的船员

Pursuant to Resolution No. 47 dated 19 June 2020, the Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Disease (IATF-EID) and Joint Circular No. 01 dated 2 July 2020 on the Guidelines for the Establishment of the Philippine Green Lane to Facilitate the Speedy and Safe Travel of Seafarers, including Their Safe and Swift Disembarkation and Crew Change During the COVID-19 Pandemic, the entry of foreign seafarers for purpose of ship crew rotation, may be issued 9(c) or Seaman and Crew List Visa and may be allowed entry to the Philippines.


   A. 9(C) Seaman Visa (for Individual Seafarer)




      1.  Original and photocopy of passport valid for at least six (6) months beyond the authorized period of stay in the Philippines;


        2.  Duly accomplished visa application form (FA Form No. 2) with 3.3 cm x 4.8 cm photo (white background) of the applicant in decent attire;

填写妥当的签证申请表(FA Form No. 2),并附上申请人的近照(大小:3.3 厘米 x 4.8 厘米、白底、衣着得体);

      3.  Photocopy of national ID, if applicable;

      4.  For non-Chinese applicant, submit photocopy of valid Chinese visa;

     5.  Original and photocopy of seaman’s book;

      6.  Certificate of employment / Introduction letter from employer-company written in English or with an English translation with signature of authorized officer of the company and company chop/seal;

      7.  Invitation letter and notarized Affidavit of Support and Guarantee from Shipping / Maritime company in the Philippines;

      8.  Confirmed passage / airline ticket;

     9.  Visa processing fee;

Note: Personal appearance of the visa applicant is required


       B.   9(C) Crew List


9(C) crew list visas may be applied early (i.e., even prior to departure from last port of call).

The shipping company's authorized agent/representative must submit a copy the required documents (in three sets and arranged according to the order in the list below) to the Consulate:


1. Form 61 or Crew list visa application with a detailed list of foreign crew members (page 2 of Form 61);

2. Crew List indicating details of ALL crew members;

3. FA Form No. 2 accomplished by each foreign crew;

4. Passport and seaman's book of each foreign crew;

5. Copy of the passport of the Vessel Master/Captain who will be commanding the vessel when it enters the Philippines. The passport must be valid for at least 6 months from the date of departure from the Philippines.

6. Copy of the Seaman’s Record Book of the Vessel Master / Captain who will be commanding the vessel when it enters the Philippines. The copy of the Seaman’s Record Book / maritime credentials record must show the page with the latest log entry.

7. Ports of call/Operational Schedule;

8. Ship Registry;

9. Letter from the shipping company naming the vessel's captain/master, identifying the authorized ship agent/representative, and requesting for 9c crew list visa for foreign crew members;

10. Invitation Letter and notarized Affidavit of Support and Guarantee from the shipping company in the Philippines indicating proper facilitation on the disembarkation and repatriation of foreign crew to the country of origin; and

11. Passport copy of the authorized agent/representative.

For pre-processing, please send in advance a scanned copy of all the above documents through email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , copy furnished: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and indicate in the subject line “Crew List Visa – (Name of Vessel)”.